Thursday, June 24, 2010

This morning has been a bit of dramatic ordeal for me. Let me explain...

As I listening to the radio on my weekly drive across town, the deejay announced that he'd just received a text that dog had been hit by a car in the Grant Park area and had run off. The owener was looking for it and if any listeners in the area could help it was much appreciated. My wife came across a similar incident about a year ago: some scared and presumably very hurt dog went into hiding after being hit by a bus.

Now when I hear this, I look in my rearview mirror and see the big brown eyes of my dog, Oliver. If you know me at all you know how much my dog means to me. It broke my heart to think of him.

On my way home, traffic came to an unexpected stop on Osborne just south of Jubliee. I couldn't see what was happening at first. There was a guy on the road, moving back and forth between the street and the curb. After a minute or two cars started moving and I saw the man walking his bicycle with one arm and carrying a recently hit dog over the shoulder of his other arm. I don't know if the dog was dead - it was very limp but appeared to be moving; I don't know if it was his dog - there was another dog (off leash!) walking beside him. The dog appeared to be a grey hound or grey hound mix (which is what Oliver is) and looked to be the same size as my dog. I almost had to pull over...

Traffic again came to an unexpected stop on the bridge across from the Leg: a beautiful labor-doodle was standing in the middle of the southbound lanes. People were trying to coax it off the road. There was no sign of an owner.

Monday, June 21, 2010