Thursday, July 26, 2012

Another Fringe Thought

Last night we went to see The Adversary at Cinematheque. This was one of the very few shows I had no prior experience with or knowledge of the company. The description on the poster - Woody Allen meets The Wire - intrigued me.

Performer/writer Andrew Bailey has crafted a wonderful one-person show about his time as a caretaker at a urban church, his dealings with the poor and and addicts. I highly recommend this show, particularly those who work with the marginalized.

While I was waiting for Rachel to finish her play (I almost always sit on the planters by the show boards) a strange old lady sat down beside me and asked if I was an undercover cop.
"Um, no. No, I'm not. Can I ask why you thought I might be?"
"Well, I saw you sitting here the other day. "
Nope, just a creature of habit.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Keira said...

Thanks for the great reviews, Michael! I was only able so see a couple plays after all, but they were marvellous. And I introduced a few Fringe virgins to the whole experience so I consider my job well done. I absolutely VOW that next year I will see at least half a dozen shows. At least.