Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Ain't Bobby so cool?

Anxiety? Giving a public lecture in 35 minutes and being sure no one will be showing up. I have an Inbox full of regrets...

I know Dave thinks that I've been shurking my bloggin duties and I have lost the right to be called a blogger... maybe I have. There have been many possible posts abrewing in my brain. I've just had a hard time finding 1) the time to blog and 2) the right language to express myself. The time is simply the reality of end of the term pressures - primarily marking and committee work. The language is part the need to censor myself - Raw EMOTION doesn't necessarily fly - and compose my thoughts in a manner fitting who I am.

This is all vague nonsense. I'll try to do better.

I blew a tire out for the first time in my life on Monday. Could have died.... if I lost control of the car and rolled it. Almost changed my first tire too, but thankfully a nice Purelator Courier guy stopped and helped me. He figured if I was reading my manual at the side of the road, then I didn't know what I was doing.


Dave said...

See! That story is why you need to blog more. I laughed.

Also, a solid crowd came out I thought. Even if there wasn't it's good practice for when your giving lectures to hundreds of people.

It was interesting though, I always enjoy hearing people's indepth readings of different films.

Anonymous said...

Man..I should of thought of the whole "Sorry I can't come" e-mail!! I was wanting to come...but the plans of walking a horse, through a field, was in the way! In the end...I walked the horse for a good 10 minutes when it decided to take off (with me screaming "WOE" on top of it) and throwing me into a tree. As I look back on my prayers for wings...I have come to the conclusion, that a good "lecture" would of been grand, but hitting a tree is a better story...

...but thanks for the invite...
...hope that it all went weel for you...