Friday, April 11, 2008

I sold opium, firewood and lead

Taught my last class at Providence College. I'll still be going out there a few more times before I'm officially done, but this was the last day of teaching, the last day of "normal" work.

Don't know what I was expecting - weeping? being carried out of the room on the shoulders of the students? - but it all felt a little anti-climatic. Some students came up after class and told me how much they liked the class and that was fantastic. I really appreciate it when student do that. And it wasn't a bad day or anything, but the whole day just felt a little off, a little rushed. People I wanted to hang out with weren't around or were busy and I was busy with grading, so it hardly felt "special," which is what I was hoping for.

Maybe I sound whiny - not my intention at all. I've loved my time there.


saran said...

Wait... that's it for you at Prov, absolutely and completely? I never even got a chance to drop by one of your classes as an unexpected guest and heckle you!

Kanadjin said...

It is sad to see that you aren't there any longer. Hopefully your students at Booth will also be able to give you a Lady Bracknell that you will never forget!

Anonymous said...

MAN...note to self..when teachers are truly leaving a school raise them up on your shoulders and sing "for he's a jolly good fellow"! Maybe I'll make it the plan for Wed. after your LAST prov. exam!! What a way to go!! I am rather excited that your last exam at Prov. is mine as well...what a way to finish off the year!!

~ Nicole