Monday, May 26, 2008

I want to know, do I stay or do I go?

As part of my birthday celebrations, my wife took me to see the new Indiana Jones film on Thursday. Like most people my age, two trilogies made up my formative film-watching experience: Star Wars and Indiana Jones. And while time and experience (and Lucas's revisions) have chipped away at my appreciation of the original Star Wars films, Raiders of the Lost Ark remians one of the greatest and most influential action/adventure films of all time. And I am still a huge Indy fan: I have a framed Temple of Doom poster in my office, own a replica hat, and even started studying archaelogy when I began University in 1994.

When they announced a new Jones film, however, I was a not over the moon with excitement. I thought Last Crusade was a satifactory ending to the trilogy and I was plagued with visions (or should I say nightmares)of Star Wars: Episode 1. When they announced the film's title, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, my fears were hardly put to rest. What the heck a kingdom of a crystal skull? What the heck is a crystal skull? Rumours started flying about aliens, illegimate children, Russians, and the whole thing sounded like it was going to be a huge debacle.

For all the doubts and misgivings, though, one thought remained in my head: But it's Indiana Jones!

While Kingdom isn't great, it's hardly bad. In fact, I think it's a better film than the previous low-point in the trilogy, Temple of Doom. With the exceptions of some curious (I'll say baffling mis-steps, like the gophers or the vine-swinging), it's a solid Indiana Jones film. It has wit, style and character, mostly because of star Harrison Ford, who seemed as worn and battered as Indy's famous hat.


Anonymous said...

A bunch of us decided to go and see it on Friday night. And to us, it two was not as disappointing as we thought it could of been. I agree with the lame ground hogs and the monkey part (seriously what the frick!!), but the ending could of been better as well. Indiana Jones plus a UFO...seriously.

The thoughts behind the story were very entertaining...the continual use of different gods made it feel like a true Indy movie. But come on..aliens!! If only it ended with them being sucked into a hole, WITHOUT the UFO or seeing of the fake alien, and you have a great movie. If only George Lucas would learn that people HATE when he uses special effects!!!

One last complaint!! Where was the whole ripping of Indy's is a theme that is seen in all of his movies, but then they decided to keep it PG, by keeping the old man clothed...for shame :P

From: Nicole...

Dave said...

You and Leighton need to debate whether or not this movie is good. Leighton says it's is TERRIBLE.

Maybe that's a good idea for Film Night next year. Watch the movie and then have you two debate on it's "ok-ness" or "horrible-ness"

Anonymous said...

I don't know Mike. I have a real hard time calling Crystal Skull solid.