Super-Fun Survey Time - a big thanks to my ever-loving sister who gave me this one which allowed me to wile away the hours at work!!!
1)Full name: Michael William Boyce, Esq. Well, okay. Not esq.
2) Single or taken: taken
3] sex : Yes please. Oh my, that joke NEVER gets old.
4) Birthday: May 23
5) Star Sign: Gemini, I believe.
7)Siblings: one sister (who stole question #6), on brother in law
8)Hair color: Brown
9)Eye color: Brown
10)Shoe size: 9
11) height: 5'11
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
1) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
2) Did you send this to your crush?: I'm not sending it to ANYONE!
F a s h i o n S t u f f
1) Where is your favorite place to shop?: HMV, Chapters, Gap
2) Any tattoos or piercings: Nope
T h e E x t r a S t u f f
1) Do you do drugs?: No, I won't even take aspirin.
2) What kind of shampoo do you use?: The kind in the bathtub when I'm showering. I don't know.
3) What are you most scared of?: The number of questions missing from this survey
5) What car do you wish to have: the kind with a cd player
6) Who is the last person that called you?: called me? I don't remember.
7) Where do you want to get married?: Am married.
8) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: I'm too damn nice.
9) What was your first car?: 1986 Chevette - Clearisol Brown. Oh Seymore!
F a v o r i t e s
2) Number: The missing ones.
3) Food: Nachos, Spagetti
4) Boys name: Cedric
5) Girls name: Don't have one.
6) Subjects in school?: english and history
7) Animal?: dogs, I guess
8) Drink: diet pepsi
9) Movie: Casablanca
10)Celebrity: Don't really have one.
11)Sport: Tackle football
12) Sport to watch?: Football
H a v e Y o u E v e r
1) Given anyone a bath?: Just me.
2) Smoked?: Yup
3) Bungee jumped?: No but I want to
4) Broken the law?: Of course, the law of the jungle.
5) Made yourself throw-up?: I think so.
6) Gone skinny-dipping?: No
7) Been in love?: Mmmm, I guess
8) Done the Deed: What deed? Is that a euphemism?
F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o M i n d
1) Red: blood
2) cow: moo
3) Greenland: big
F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s
1) Do you like filling these out?: So much it's scary
2) Gold or Silver?: Gold, it'd worth more
3) favortie weapon of choice in a fight: I prefer a mid-sized pool cue wrapped in barbed wire and set on fire, or a steel folding chair.
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