Monday, August 22, 2005

So I'm housesitting. All alone in a strange place. Just me and the dog. I'm glad there's a dog there. Talking to myself would just be crazy.

Watched Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez's Sin City last night. Can't think of the last time I was awestruck by such a unique visual style. Absolutely beautiful, perfectly cast (except Michael Madsen, who just seemed out of place); the incredible violence will make some people uneasy (or quesy, whatever), but watch a film! And who is Jessica Alba and how did she get so beautiful? Really, it's like flawless, otherworldly beauty. It's hard to trust uber-beautiful people - they're nothing but trouble. Watch out for them. They'll only disappoint you, if you're lucky.


Anonymous said...

It's really too bad that Jessica Alba isn't a better actress - i watched most of the first and second seasons of Dark Angel hoping that she'd become less wooden, because she is really beautiful, and Max is the sort of character I like to pretend I am when no one's around, but alas, it just didn't get any better. Much to my chagrin.

Michael said...

Too true. No matter how pretty she is I will NOT watch Fantastic Four.