Sunday, August 14, 2005

So this afternoon I watched the Jean-Pierre Jeunet film, A Very Long Engagement. If I were to pick a single word from that title with which to sum up, surmise, or some other word that starts with "su" the film, it would have to be the third word: Long. It was very long. I'd purpose amending the already quite lengthy title to something that more accurately reflects the experience. Persoanlly I think A VERY Long Film about a Very Long Engagement covers it nicely.

It's a good film -nice story, solid acting, interesting visuals and all that- it's just so terribly LONG. unnecessarily long too. It's like the filmmakers took every pain to drag things out as long as they possible could. For example, Audrey Tautou, who's as cute as a button and you could eat up with a spoon, plays a woman suffering from polio. So any time she has to physically move from point A to point B it's A VERY LONG WALK. Seriously, if Tautou's character was healthy, the film would have run twenty, thirty minutes shorter.

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