Friday, September 30, 2005

Just got back from seeing Serenity. What a movie! Admittedly I was a little nervous when I encountered fans dressed up. But there was a comradorary at the theatre that you hardly ever see these days. People started singing the Firefly theme song during the commerials; we laughed, we cringed, we gasped. And in the end, applauded. It just seemed like the thing to do.

Kaylee, you made it!!!!

I think that there's enough context (and backstory) given so that if you didn't see any episodes of Firefly you'd still be able to figure out what was going on: River's a psychic and a fugitive, Mal's grumpy, Reavers are crazy cannibals dudes.


Michael said...

Thanks anonymous, but I spurn money as I would spurn a rabid dog.

Anonymous said...

adult traffic information can be found at

Tom said...

Hey Mike, great blog you've got here! By the by, there's a setting you can enable which will require human word-verification for commenters.