Sunday, March 19, 2006

Don't the hours grow shorter as the days go by?

On Friday night CBC showed LA Confidential. Man, I love that film. Too bad they ran it at 11:30 at night. I couldn't stay up that night (being an old man, I needs my sleeps!). I taped the whole thing, but wound up watching an hour or so anyway. Something about murder, drugs and whores cut to look like movie stars that makes me smile! That's likely a character fault.

Saturday I shaved my head again. This is something I do when I'm stressed or annoyed or unhappy. It's my version of cutting. I didn't Bic to the bone it this time, so I suppose I wasn't that stressed, annoyed, unhappy. It's just very short. Short enough that I've cut a good 10 minutes out of my "start of the day" routine.

Today's Sunday: honestly can't remember what I've done.

Senility at 30. Sad.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up the Nellie wagon. You take ten minutes to 'do your hair' every morning?

Why do people cut their hair when they're upset?

Anonymous said...

useless without pics


(I've been reading too much fark.)

Michael said...

Sadly, no pictures. For some idea, see the short film. It's a little longer than thatm but you get tht idea.

10 minutes was a guestimate. I was including things like: washing, drying, geling, combing, fussing.

Anonymous said... didn't even have enough hair to dry/gel/comb.