Saturday, October 15, 2005


So, last night Rachel and I decided to set forth into the world and head over to one of the local movie theatres to see Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of the Were-Rabbit. Now, I've been a fan of the plasticine duo for quite some time now, so expectations were high. And a theatre packed of screaming, crying chidlren put a serious cramp into those expectations. However, once the lights dimmed, and all the thirty thousand previews were over, and the film begin, all was well. The plot was a little fanciful, but the wit, humour and imagination of Nick Park was still apparent. There's something almost magical about watching a film where the audience is so caught up in the story that they cheer and applaud when the film ends.

In other news, we got new MTS cable. As part of the package, we got 9 "bundles" of extra channels. There's something profoundly civilized about being able to watch "The A Team" 4 times a day.

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