Thursday, October 20, 2005

One of those days...

Ever just google your name to check what other people with the same moniker as you have are doing with their lives? What a great way to feel utterly pointless.

There's a Master Michael Boyce who teaches about a thousand different martial arts... I'll bet he's cool. There's just something very cool about a guy who can dislocate your shoulder in the blink of an eye.

There's Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, part of her Majesty's Navy. Guy's in charge of a bunch of boats: how cool is that? Bet he's got all kinds of those shiny little medals. And don't even get me started on the "Sir" thing. What's a guy gotta do to get knighted anyway?

And then there's me. Yes, I do pop up on google, but without all the knighted, ass-kicking coolness. I show up a few times on RatemyProfessor. Apparently someone thinks I'm "hot." Must be the corduory pants I sometimes wear when I teach.

Actually that reminds me: I got some student evaluations from a course I taught last year. Most of them were positive (though there was the constantly frustrating too-much-group-work/not-enough-group-work comments). I am, it seems, amusing. The predominant response was "Mr. Boyce/Michael is very funny." One of the comments in particular threw me for a bit of loop though: "Can we have one class were we don't talk about sex?" Either this student only came to a couple of the racier classes, or I talk about sex a lot more then I'm aware. Of course, I can alwasy shift the blame to the poems. "I don't talk about sex; John Donne talks about sex. Dirty man. I just talk about Donne." This is, of course, a modifed version of the argument I used to use on my mother whenever we were watching a movie that had a lot of swearing or sex: "Hey, I didn't write the movie."

Of course after reading that comment and feeling all self-concious, what do I do? Go into the classroom and start talking about sex.


Tom said...

dude you are hot

:O !!

Michael said...

Thanks. I do try to do myself up pretty-like.