Saturday, October 22, 2005

Neverwhere? Right here

Right. So a friend of mine suggested that I check out this book Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman (which I did, literally, from the library up the street). "You'll love it," she said. So, I dutifully went and got it. I'm a sucker... well, for books anyway.

I started reading it on the walk home. On the inside cover (at this is true of the hardcover) there's a deailed map of the London Underground. "Cool," I think. "I recognize some of these stations."

I had to go out for a little bit, so I couldn't continue reading until later that afternoon. And when I was able to sit down and continue reading I found myself liking it more and more. It's an interesting story: guy moves to London, he finds an injured girl, there are some weird dudes who talk kind of funny. And as I'm reading, I'm thinking to myself, "Hey, this is pretty good." And as I'm thinking this, I look up and realize it's almost midnight! I've been reading for hours and have completely lost track of time. Now I like books, and would consider myself an "avid" reader, but I've never been a lose-track-of-time reader. The story is so interesting, the characters so well drawn, that it's hard not to be absorbed with the narrative.

So, when I woke up this morning all I wanted to do was come down stairs, pour myself a cup of coffee and finish the book. I had it less than 24 hours and it was done. There are very few books that have sucked me in so completely.

I highly recommend this book.


Ooknabah said...

If you liked Neverwhere, you'll love his other books:

American Gods, in particular, is fantastic.

Michael said...

Actually, I'm on page 160 on American Gods right now. It's really good too.