Tuesday, October 11, 2005


When did I turn into Ben Stein from Ferris Buller's Day Off?

"Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?"

Man, some days class is like pulling teeth!

I forgot my travel mug this morning and, with it, the sweet, sweet caffine-y goodness held within. I've been cruising around looking all day for things with some form of caffine to ingest: a cup of cheap-ass coffee, a watery fountain Diet Pepsi. I'm supposed to see a play with my wife tonight. If I don't get some stimulant in me soon, when the lights in the theatre go out, so will I.

I have to meet Rachel in an hour and a half... What am I going to do for that much time? This computer is seriously solitare-free.

Thanksgiving was fine. Guess I really turned on the world with that last post. The literary THOUSANDS of emails I received... oh, wait, those were for cheap medication and herbal Viagara. Nevermind.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Well, what should we have said? I guess an 'amen, brotha!' would not have gone amiss. You gave us homework, though; we were thinking about ourselves. Or I was.

More importantly, if we said that, then we'd actually be ACCOUNTABLE to DO it whereas I know I was (secretly) planning to file it in "good ideas I'm probably not gonna follow up on".