Thursday, March 23, 2006

We know Major Tom's a junkie

*wipes the sleep from his eyes*

Yesterday was a LONG day. I went out to Otterburne about 8:30 in the morning and didn't leave until 10 o'clock at night. And while I couldn't find anything to eat for supper other than a bag of Doritos and a bottle of Coke, I'm actually glad I stayed out. Last night was the opening night of the major production, An Inspector Calls. A former student of mine invited me (she's assistant director) and I had a really good time. There are some incredibly talented actors out there... in the middle of nowhere.

It's the middle of nowhere part that caused me all my problems last night. I wanted food. Something edible to put in my stomach. I couldn't recall any places to eat for the different ways I know to get into Otterburne. I didn't want to go driving around the country looking for someplace to eat (visions of a wintry Texas Chainsaw Massacre danced in my head). I settled on the little cubbyhole-sized variety store thing in the main concourse of campus. I was starving when I got home. In fact I'm still hungry just thinking about it.


Anonymous said...

Prov has a 'main concourse'? Ha ha. That's really funny.

What this place needs is a Tim Horton's. Out with Sodexo, in with Timmy's.

Michael said...

Yes, the "not-so-main" or "minor" concourse is the hallway by the library.

And Tim's: YES! Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

'le routier' is close to the school. you could have eaten a hot meal there and ahd the chance to watch all the pies.

Michael said...

"close" is a relative term out in the country.

Anonymous said...

true, true. but surely, you must have gotten to the college via a mode of transportation that also could have served to get you to a little village only 7-minutes' drive away.