Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Long and Winding Road

Yeah, I'm a terrible, terrible person. I haven't been updating much lately. My bad.

This weekend has turned into a sort of "invesitgation into my ancestry." I've been watching Wagner's Ring cycle on DVD (which takes care of my German side) and, last night, I attended a Burns Dinner (appealing to my Scottish side).

Rachel calls the Wagner "that Star Trek opera," becasue she came home while the giants, who looked a lot like Klingons, were singing in Das Rheingold.

The Burns Dinner was fantastic. One of my Prov colleagues and his wife hosted it, and we followed most of the Burns litany. We toasted the haggis* (and then ate the haggis), we read poems, we used the Selkirk grace. Michael's wife, Kyla, more than out did her herself on the food: I may never have had roast lamb as good as that.

* For those of you who don't know, haggis is made with sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with oatmeal and spices, mixed with stock. It's traditionally boiled in the animal's stomach for an hour. It looks like a big sausage and tastes MUCH better than it sounds.


Anonymous said...

that's disgusting.

Rebs said...

I dunno, maybe it’s just my scots roots coming out, but that didn’t sound all that bad to me...

Tom said...

Better than it sounds?? Is that even possible??

Keira said...

I didn't realize people still ate that stuff, except perhaps as a response to a dare. Um, good job?
Haggis is not on my list of foods to try one day.

Rebs said...

it should be, kiki, it should be.

someday I'll have to take you to the scottish pavilion. then you can haggis it up to your heart's content.

Cheryl said...

I'm pretty sure I'll never try that. I don't care how good it sounds. hmm maybe I had a little to say to you after all mike.

Michael said...

Wonders never cease.

I'll try not to let it go to my head, Cheryl.

Keira said...

Rebs, is that a dare?!? I can't say no to a dare!! Curses!

Rebs said...
