Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Song instead of a kiss

One of my classes started today. I thought I was prepared. After all, it was just an introduction: "Hey, I'm Mike, etc."

Nothing too taxing.

Well, upon my arrival at the school, I tried to photocopy the syllabus. You'd think that the button that says 2->1 means that the photocopier is going to take two separate pieces of paper and doubleside them, right? Well, if you think that you'd be very, very wrong. Apparently that button means that the photocopier will take a 2 SIDED document and reproduce each side on a separate piece of paper. How many people actually use this function?

The long and the short of it: instead of cutting the number of pages of the ayllabus in half, I wound up doubling it. I photocopied a whole blank page for the back side of every piece of paper. I ended up with a stack of papers to rival my longest chapter. There's a bit more photocopy-drama as I try to get everything in order, but nothing too serious. I eventually get all the syllabi together, have lunch, and head off to class. I walked into the room ... and realize there are a lot of students in the room.

My class this semester is 37 students, almost a dozen more than last semester. So, I'm a little surprised by that. I believe started with, "Good afternoon, everyone ... My goodness, there are a lot of you."

I pass out the syllabi, and then the heat hits me. It was like a sauna in that classroom - at least 10 degrees wamrer than the hallway. The air was thick and heavy, like the air in a gym after an aerobics class. I was suddenly very sleepy. I cracked a window, but it didn't help. (Must remember: no sweaters this semester.) I tried to be hardline on a couple of things - due dates, participation, plagarism - but all I wanted to do was curl up and nap. When I finally dismissed them for the day, the collar of my shirt was soaked with sweat. Very attractive, friends.


Tom said...

that button should say 1->2... weird

Keira said...

I'm terrified of photocopiers.
They could chew us up and spit out 2-D versions of us, and that would be the New World, a world of very flat people.

Roz said...

That is scary! I know a few totally flat people and I can't say that I like them.

That is a very dumb photocopier. It shouldn't be allowed to live. You should take it out to an empty field "office space" style and beat the living crap out of it.

Rebs said...

mike, I'm sorry to say, sounds like I would have mentally mocked you the entire class (had I been there, of course). turns out I am too hard on my profs. I'll work on that.

yum..collar sweat...

Unknown said...

I'm going to agree with Roz on how you should respond to this little incident with the photocopier.
And thanks for the laugh about your intro to the class. I needed it.