Monday, May 19, 2003

Finally, a Monday Mission that speaks to me...

1. This seems to be the year for movie sequels (Terminator 3, Matrix Reloaded, 2 Fast 2 Furious, LOTR: The Return of the King, etc.). Is there a movie you would like to see Hollywood make a sequel to?

No. Well, maybe Lethal Weapon... what are we up to? 7? 8? That movie NEVER gets old.

2. What movie sequel do you think should never have been made?

Exorcist 2, any of the Jaws films and the new batch of Star Wars films. BOO!!!!

3. Are there any books (comic, novel, etc.) that you would like to see made into a movie? Who should star in it?

Oh, of course. A new Lone Wolf and Cub series would be great. I always want to see Toshiro Mifune play the lead, but, alas, he's gone. Can't think of another Japenese actor, currently working, with the fericiousness and compassion needed for the role. Also, I have been a huge fan of films made from lesser known comic over the past few years - Ghost World, Road to Perdition, even From Hell. Any serious underground comics would be great.

4. When was the last time the you got a shot at the Doctor's office? Do you prefer them in the arm or your backside? Or would you rather just take a prescription?

What does this have to do with movies? I haven't had a needle in a while. I prefer my arm though.

5. Do you make friends easier in "Real Life" or online or is it about the same? Do you have closer friendships in "Real Life" or online? Why do you think that is? Are you ok with that or would you like to make a change?

Real Life, and I like that you put it in quotation marks.

6. When you first got your drivers license how did you feel ? Did you get it on the first try, second, third, more than that ? Do you have a license ? If no, do you plan to get one ? Why or why not ?

I don't remember feelings overly excited. I'm not a huge fan of driving, but I got my license on the first try, without much drama.


7. Have you ever had your tonsils removed? Did you ever come close? Tell me about that.

No, no. ... NO!

BONUS: Who's that girl?


Today's comment question: How do you prefer to have your Ice Cream served? Cone (sugar, cake, waffle), cup, or something else?

In my hand.

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