Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Here she comes now

It took some effort on my part, but I managed to track down this film (and if you don't think going into a store and asking people for a film called "A Cock and Bull Story" is effort, you're just wrong). I've loved Winterbottom's previous films (Jude, 24 Hour Party People) and I love this cast, but wasn't able to catch it when it played Winnipeg for three minutes.
Simply, this is a adaptation of an unfilmable novel. I know the term "unfilmable" has been used to describe a number of movies that have been sucessively filmed - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Mrs Dalloway spring to mind - but I can't think of more complicated, cyclical narrative than Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy .

The film is absolutely brilliant, creating another layer to the narrative by including a behind the scenes plot. Some people play themselves, some people play characters. I wish I could write more about this, but, frankly, it's too damned hot here, I'm sticking to my chair and sweating on my keyboard. I don't wanna electrocute myself.

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