Monday, June 26, 2006

What in the world has happened to me?

Seems someone came along and pooped on my pity-party. It's funny that when you feel yourself getting down with stupid stuff, something comes along and makes you realize how meaningless it all is. For me, it was an email I got a few minutes ago: my sister's going to Arizona.

Now some people might think, "She's so lucky. Nice hot weather." Others might think, "Ugh, hot weather." But I haven't thought much about stuff like weather (other than to type those last two sentences. My sister's going to Arizona for a reason... to battle her eating disorder. And I can't imagine being more proud of her.


Anonymous said...

that's awesome. not many people actually do anything to work through things like that. i don't even know her, but heck, i'm proud of her, too!

Michael said...

Thanks, Abby.