Monday, March 19, 2007

In the cold, cold night

Today has the potential to be an absolutely crap day.

I realize that most of my days have that potential, but there are a couple of factors that could increase the crap-odds. First of all, it's bloody cold outside. After some moderate, even enjoyably warm days, Winter-peg has entered what I can only assume is a new Ice Age. All the snow that had melted on the weekend has re-frozen and it's a virtual skating rink out there today. I fully expected to see a Zamboni on the road as I made my way to work.

Went to see Music and Lyrics yesterday. We had free passes and it was the only thing we could agree on. About the best thing I can say about it is, if you grew up in the 80s, the film gets 80s music videos spot on. The films opens with such a music video and it's brillant: white jeans, bad hair and inexplicitly bizarra dance moves. Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore have reasonably good chemistry and are both fine in their respective roles, but the plot is largely paint-by-numbers.


Rebs said...

yeah, a 10 minute walk to work to me 20 today. ridiculous!

pretty sure that movie was on my 'never gonna see' list.

Anonymous said...

thinking it looked warm out this morning, i left without a jacket (and also without mittens, a scarf and a toque). and then i did errands on the way home. sucks to be outside waiting for buses today. oops.