Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Hey, know what I haven't done in a while? A Monday Mission. And true to form, it's Wednesday. Sue me.

1. Ever considered just deleting your Blog and not doing it anymore? What prompted that and what stopped you?

I stop all the time, because I'm a lazy, shiftless loser. Haven't thought about deleting it. No one reads it. If a blog is never read is it even there at all?

2. How about a quick review of the last movie you saw?


3. What's your favorite gadget? Are you lusting for any new ones? Will you ever be satisified???

I love my mp3 player, but I'd love an I-Pod even more. So, no. I will never be satisfied.

4. Saturday night I played "UNO" for the first time in years, I mean it has been over 10 years since I played it. It was great fun, but it really made me want to learn how to play Backgammon again. What "table game" do you enjoy playing most with other people? Have you played it lately?

I don't really like games. The people get too competive and that turns me off. I sometimes play Settlers of Catan.

5. About a year ago I was obsessed with loosing weight, and I dropped pretty low before I got a handle on things (I've actually gained about 8 pounds of it back, and it is still a struggle sometimes to not try to loose it). Thankfully, I like fattening sweets and buttery popcorn too much to live like that for too long. Have you ever been obsessed with something so much that it was close to causing you physical or mental harm? If not, have you known anyone else who has?

Do people count? Kidding. Not really

6. Did you grow up in a family or community that displayed racist or prejudice attitudes? Did it influence you in any way, either toward or away from those views? How did you manage to avoid it, or did you?

One of my grandfathers was horribly racist - though I never saw it until I was old enough to know that it was really wrong. And I'm prejudiced against stupid people and attractive people.

7. Good grief, I am starving! You got anything to eat around here?
Go eat at home, ya Mooch.

BONUS: What did you tell them?

I told them exactly what they wanted to hear.


Anonymous said...

Where do the questions come from?

Michael said...

I "borrowed" them from a website that my friend used to get stuff from: