Friday, December 22, 2006

Let nothing you afright

Well, it's 2:00 in the afternoon on the 22nd of December. I have a busy couple of days coming up (dissertation editing, Christmas-y stuff), so I don't know when I'll be able to get on here again. Of course, saying that, I'll now manage to post a record number of entries in the next couple of days.

My bestest friend, Jaimie, sent me a link to a site that reported Santa's been cleared to fly on the 24th. Good stuff. I was worried. His health can't be good.

Anyway, I wanna wish all my readers and all my lurkers... a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe, eats lots, and watch a holiday classic with someone you love (even if that someone is yourself).



PS - If you want to know what I'd like for Christmas: 10'000 hits by the New Year. Any chance you all could help me with that?


Anonymous said...

Well Mike, here's another hit to get you nearer your target. I finally checked out the source of "Desire the horse / depression the cart" - I had assumed for some reason that it was Beckett, but it's Cohen. Old Lenny still has it going on. Keep up the good blogging work, and have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Michael said...

Yes, I rather liked Book of Longing. LC's still got it.. even though he looks more and more like my grandma.

Merry Christmas to you as well, Brian. Any chance you'll be hitting the 'Peg?

Anonymous said...

1, 2, 3, 4,...123, 124.....6000, 6001.....I QUIT.

Anonymous said...

Grandma Cohen - oh, the indignity! Probably no 'Peg for me until summer, but I'll try to make it count when I get there by doing it up Manitoba style! By which I mean, eating some perogies and swatting some mosquitoes. Hopefully not into the perogies. Keep up the fine bloggin'!

Rebs said...

gotta love an optimist.
wouldna pegged you for one, though..