Friday, December 01, 2006

When the sun rose and he made to leave

I went to the mall today. It's December and I went to the mall. Something's rotten in the state of Denmark. Usually when December rolls around I stay as far away from retail outlets as is humanly possible. The crowds, the screaming children, the overt commercialization all combines to make for a grumpy, grumpy Michaelclaus. Today, however, my intense dislike of the mall at Christmas-time played second fiddle to my all-consuming love for Starbucks Christmas coffee.

So I trudged through the mountains of unshovelled snow, my trusty travel mug in hand, to get a mug full of cheer. Highly leaded, ultra-caffeinated cheer.

In other news: I saw the funniest thing in the world yesterday. I was passing a bus stop on my way home just as the bus was loading passengers. A woman and her kid were running for the bus. She got on, and her kid, bundled up in a thick jacket, snowpants, hat, scarf etc, was about four steps behind her. Rather than stepping up into the bus, the kid just launched himself into a belly flop, landing at the driver's feet. He didn't trip, he jumped. I laughed out loud it was so funny.


Anonymous said...


I shake my head at you, Mike.

Yeah, Starbucks coffee is pretty much the only good reason to go to a mall nowadays....y’like the Christmas blend, eh? So you do you like Yukon by itself as well, or do you prefer it all blended into Christmassy goodness?
While the Christmas is good, my favourite will always be Verona. Mmmm...verona....

it's pretty *fun* working Polo Park Customer Service at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I also love the Starbucks seasonal specialties. I love going to the mall at Christmas time, browsing books I know I shouldn't spend money on (but probably will), wandering, or just sitting there, watching the people. Everyone's crazy. More than half of them look addled, panicked and frantic. But there are jems in between. Ridiculous highschool couples clumsily practicing for real life; excited fanboys and girls chattering in theatre lines; men with scrunched foreheads trying to decide what affordable piece of jewelry will satisfy their wives (before giving up, grabbing whatever the shop assistant recommended, and heading off for pubs and poker games). I like watching the other people watchers. I don't like shopping. But I like to stand in the current and let it rush past me at a hundred miles an hour. I've never understood why so many of my friends feel exactly as you do about the crowds.

But at least we *all* agree about Starbucks Christmas coffees.

Keira said...

Do you know what kind of child I pictured jumping on the bus? Ralphie's little brother from A Christmas Story, the kid who was unable to put his arms down while bundled up in his snowsuit. Ha!

Working at a mall at Christmas time is certain to cement fear of the place into your soul.
Never again, Portage Place. Never. Again.

Anonymous said...

That kid bus story is really funny