Wednesday, April 04, 2007

After I handed the final manuscript into the Grad Studies my brain just shut off. It's only now getting back up to speed. This what I have spent the past 6 years thinking, living and breathing. Frankly I'm a little surprised that the world didn't just end when the defense was over.
Again, I want to thank everyone (even strangers) for the words of congratulation. I really, really appreciate them. People have send me emails, phone calls, blog comments, posted signs on my door at work (thanks Linda), taken me out for lunch, offered hearty handshakes, promised to toast me with chocolate milk, planned cake, my class today even applauded.... It's all pretty surreal.

And now that that's taken care of, I can resume my blogging. Except that I don't have a sweet clue what to talk about anymore.

Pretty gross about Keith Richards snorting his father's ashes. I mean, who snorts a loved one? It's disgusting. Snorting Keith Richards's ashes, on the other hand, would likely be quite the buzz.


Kanadjin said...

Congratulations Mike!! (I arrived too late for the applause in class today)

Michael said...

Hey Justin. Thanks.

It's a good lesson to learn: always be early for class as you never know when applause will break out.

Anonymous said...

Hey congrats on doctoring up Mike!

BTW-the Keith Richards piece is a hoax-according to his people-but it really does sound like something he would do, doesn't it?
Have a grand Easter! I would say don't eat too much chocolate, but there really is no such thing. TTFN

Unknown said...

Mister Doctor Boyce Sir, Congratulations! I'll shake your hand or applaud or something next time I see you. Or take you out for cheesecake at Baked Expectations... mmm Cheesecake.

Keira said...

Now, according to facebook, you are also a ninja??? Those are some pretty respectable street creds, Dr. Ninja!

I've never snorted my family members' ashes, but when I was a kid we used to crush tart n' tiny candies and inhale them.

Roz said...

Congratulations! That's pretty awesome. Of course you will have to find exciting things to blog about now.

Except no more blogs about snorting ashes. That was just gross. It's like people talking about eating one of their own kidneys.