Monday, April 30, 2007

I never knew the charm of spring

I've come to realization: I hate bikes.

In Winnipeg biking is a big deal. Even in the dead of winter some crazy person is peddling his or her way down the street. And I understand why biking is a good thing - better on the environment and healthier - but I'm tired of cyclists who either ignore the rules of the road or make up their own version of those rules. Personally, I love the driving-on-side-walk-until-they-decide-to-go-on-the-road trick. That's awesome.

The other day I was crossing the road at a designated intersection with a four way Stop. As I crossed, I was almost run over by a cyclist who didn't think the octagonal red sign applied to him.


Rebs said...

soon I hope to be a biker once again.

but I've been taught to always obey the rules of the you won't have to worry about me plowing you down on the sidewalks :)

Anonymous said...

the ONE TIME i didn't stop at a 4-way, a big, burly, angry truckerish guy screamed at me. hand signals are good. and shoulder checking is a must, as there are many, many drivers who pretend not to see cyclists.

Keira said...

Winnipeg needs to get more bike-friendly. I love bikes but am personally terrified of biking in the city . . . stick me on a gravel road in the country, where I can zoom down into the ditch if a semi is coming, and I am happy as a clam. It is the best invention since soap. But like many of the citizens who have no idea how to drive cars, there are many very stupid bikers on those roads . . . I agree . . .