Saturday, December 02, 2006

Put some records on while I pour

Our nine year old houseguest gave us an excellent excuse for enjoying some "young at heart" activites this weekend. On Friday night we braved the blowing snow and cold to drive through the Winter Wonderland at the Red River Ex grounds. Rachel and I have been going to these things with her family each Christmas season, but this is the first time we checked out Winnipeg's version. It was hands down the best one (better than something from Saskatchewan!?!) - it had way more light displays, a skating rink, a horse drawn sleigh and mini-doughnuts, which are what I imagine crack is like.

After a morning spent watching cartoons that I couldn't quite follow (I just didn't udnerstand what Danny Phantom was supposed to be), we headed off to the theatre to watch Flushed Away. Again, I was pretty impressed. I love the Wallace and Gromit claymation stuff and was a little skeptical about a CGI version of that style. A few lackluster reviews had moved this from a title I woulnd't mind seeing to "renter," but I really liked this film. I could have done without half the "guy gets crotched" jokes (which still would have featured as many groinings as an episode of "America's Funniest Home Videos"), but the story was enjoyable and the attention to detail was excellent.

In other news: A florist on Portage Ave has a sign on the street advertising "Bokays". It took a couple of reads to figure out what they were trying to say.


jpunk5 said...

i bought a bokay of flowers there once. not very good quality. you know if they can't spell there flowers probably aren't the best...

Anonymous said...

I think we should start spelling bouquet that way. I mean we're speaking ENGLISH here!

hehe, when I say that, I mean the exact opposite. My friend told me how her dad used to be stationed in Quebec and one of the french guys there when speaking English, translated everything into French, like I can't think of the example she gave, but instead of saying new york, he would say Nouveau York or whatever.

So when they were talking about some big guy in politics (perhaps the premier) whose last name is Drapeau. So his name is Premier Drapeau. Drapeau means flag. Well, if my friend's dad was speaking English to the guy who translated everything in french when speaking french. He would say, "so I don't really like what Premier FLAG said about this" The guy got really upset. It's a funny story and bokay reminded me of that. Ok bye bye

Michael said...

That's a funny story Cheryl. PS, I can't read your blog anymore and I'm taking it personally.

Anonymous said...

I’m taking it equally personally. I’ve already sent an angry/jealous-blog-friend email in protest.