Thursday, May 04, 2006

Then like a sinner before the gates of heaven I’ll come crawling on back to you

A strange day, with even stranger revelations. Some people are such disappointments.

My sister had a rollerblading accident last night. Sounds pretty serious:

Scraped her leg badly. Went home treated it and could feel something under the skin. Went to the walk-in clinic near her and they sent her to emerg.
They removed 17 small stones and they've told her the tissue damage is so severe she will have to have skin grafting done. They will do it next week.

Gross. Skin grafting? Wonder where they'll take the skin from? If it's from her butt, will she have a bum leg?* Still, this confirms my all fears about going outdoors and doing, you know, "exercise" - running, biking, rollerblading, whatever. Not worth it if you ask me. Walking: now that's more like it. Less likely to fall down. If God had wanted us rolling all over the place, he would have given us wheels... you know, actually attached to our feet, as opposed to the kind we purchase and put on voluntarily.

*(NB, that was my wife's joke, and it gave her such pleasure that I felt inclined to include it).

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