Monday, April 17, 2006

I can live with or without you

Well, the last week of school stuff before the summer. Both my classes write exams this week (tomorrow and Wednesday) and then I have to mark them. Might sound bad, but I'd take marking exams over essays any day. I'm marking essays right now (have to have them done for Wednesday) and it's making me suicidal! Exams you don't have to correct, comment and "justify" your mark like you do with essays. You read twice and give it a grade. Easy-peasy. I can't believe I just wrote "easy-peasy".

This weekend was amazing! The weather in Winnipeg has been unusually awesome. Maybe it's global-warming, I have no idea, but I like it! I've been wearing T-shirts and short sleeved shirts since Friday. My in-laws were in town and we spent a lot of time walking outside. Of course, it very well could snow again. Who’s to say?

The weather was just one part of a great weekend. As I said, the in-laws were in town (which was a good thing) and we got to spent a bit more time getting to know my brother-in-law’s girlfriend and her three year old daughter, Julia. Julia’s a riot. We played games, read to her, and went to the park. She dubbed my father and mother-in-law “Rabbit and little rabbit” (though I’m not quite sure why) and dubbed me “That guy”… which, unfortunately, makes perfect sense. After all, how many people in my life have referred to me as “that guy”? Not counting immediate family? Lots.

Who’d you have for English?”
"Um, that guy. What’s his name? You know."
"Oh yeah, that guy!"

Awkward conversation number 405. Some people are so bloody hard to figure out. One day they're all chatty and friendly and everything's cool. The next day they're stand off-ish and weird. Then back to chatty again. Some people should come with instructions. Or flow charts.

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