Monday, April 03, 2006

I can't help it if I'm lucky

Did you know that golf season is starting up soon?

Neither did I.... until I found a helpful little email from Golfer's World in my Junk Mail folder this morning. And it must be a big deal, right? I mean, they took the time to email me – me, who has never golfed a round in his life!

Now ordinarily the only messages that I find in my Junk folder promise to make me "bigger." Lately there have been a disproportionate number from "females" with names like Candy or Sindy, calling me "Sexy" and looking to "hook up." My astute eye has judged these as fraudulent - no one who's actually seen me would describe me as "sexy".

My goodness, I've used up two whole weeks worth of quotation marks in that paragraph. My apologies, "gentle" "reader."

But today, instead of one of these typical messages waiting to be Trashed like a Frat-boy on Spring Break, I found this one telling me all about the advent of the new golfing season. Now I don't like golf, not even a little bit, but it was refreshing to have something different breaking the monotony of the Junk folder, like a breath of fresh air. Okay, maybe not "fresh" air, but definitely less stagnant.

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