Wednesday, November 08, 2006

And I turned my amp up loud and I began to play

I was walking to the busstop the other morning and passed two girls standing on the blvd in front of their house. The grass was recently laid sod; you could still see the distinct shape of the individual pieces. I saw the older girl, who must have been about ten, pick something off the ground and put it in her mouth. I figured it was a candy she'd dropped or something like that until she turned to her sister and proclaimed, "It's real grass. I just tasted it." She then turned to her mother, who was exiting the house, and said, "I didn't think this grass was real, but I just ate some and it's really grass."

Words can't express the expression of... pride (?) on this mother's face when her daughter announced that the lawn tasted like "real grass." I can only imagine it'll be the same face she'll make when her daughter is left back a grade, which I expect shall happen a lot.

In other news: My in-laws are coming to visit this weekend. It'll be good to see them. Unlike cliched comedies, I get along quite well with my in-laws. It's kind of a Thanksgiving make up. I've heard that there might be turkey. I'd really like turkey. I'll try not to pout if it doesn't happen, but turkey would be good. It's not exactly a meal you can just order if you're out for dinner. We are also sitting for a family photo, which I'm looking forward to as much as a trip to the dentist.


Rebs said...

I'm dentist-phobic...the last time I went, I was still shaking and sobbing an hour later...
fun times

that was a while ago - I should probably go again sometime. crazy sadistic dentists.

jpunk5 said...

hey, you can totally tell if the grass is real by tasting it. i fully support that little girl!!

saran said...

Oh, I just realized that it was her own grass that she was eating. Nothing wrong with that! Someone else's grass, though... that's when I would start getting worried.

Cheryl said...

I am also in full support of grass tasting.

I'm rather insulted. Mostly because I can really identify with this girl. THat is totally something I would do... did I ever fail a grade Mike?? hmm????

Michael said...

Apparently everyone I know is a filthy grass-eater.

Rebs said...

except for me.
neither filthy, nor grass-eating...

....although, there was that one time....

amphimacer said...

Myself, I used to eat paper, but once I got out of elementary school my friends got grossed out by it and I had to stop, since I really only did it for the positive attention. By the way, that's two Paul Simons in a row. Time to move on!

Michael said...

Move on from Paul?!? I could quote Paul Simon all year long. Besides, I consider Simon and Garfunkel and Paul Simon separate entities (though I realize Garfunkel did little more than harmonize). Hair splitting? Don't mind if I do!!!

Dave said...

I got your back too, Mike. People are failing to realize this girl wasn't 3, she was 10. At 10 you're capable of putting together sentances and asking "hey mom, is this real grass or some kind of rug?"

The worst part is the mom being proud though, trade "grass" with "dog poo" and I wonder if her reaction would be the same.

Roz said...

Tonight I'll sing my songs again I'll play the game and pretend...

you can NEVER have too much Paul Simon. Dentists really aren't that fact you might even go so far as to say that I love dentists. Really though, for me, as some one who spends their day in frequent communication with doctors (and on the pleasantly rare occasion, a dentist) it's really only in comparison. This is of course a vast, but experiencially based generalization. Dentists are nicer than Doctors. Almost 98% of the time when I pick-up a doctor call and it's a dentist I can tell by the distinct friendlier/less urgent tone of voice than the one that usually leaves you scrambling for a pen and fighting to get a word in edgewise. Also true for prescriptions, in that, a dentist's writing will be legible and written in the proper format.

Keira said...

. . . . I still sample grass on occasion. Not in the city, though, because idiot people throw condoms on other people's lawns. (Oh, I'm not bitter). And in my defense, it isn't to test whether or not it's real or not. I eat the roots, because they taste like carrots. I can't eat real carrots because of a rare allergy. Sometimes I miss carrots.
Also, grass-tasting is an off-shoot of the most noble occupation of grass-whistling. I have whistled grass in three different European countries.
I once tasted paper in grade six, because some other paper-eaters claimed that different colors of paper had distinct flavors. They were right.

Tom said...

Didn't you ever watch Due South, Mike? He would totally have tasted that grass... and if it's good enough for Constable Benton Fraser, it's good enough for me

Anonymous said... are to be appreciated. It saddens me to hear "We are also sitting for a family photo, which I'm looking forward to as much as a trip to the dentist," unless you really love going to the dentist.

Michael said...

i appreciate photographs of other people. I just don't think of myself as photogenic. More "hideo-genic".