Saturday, November 04, 2006

Must be the season of the witch

Wherein our narrator muses on things television

Thursday nights have too many good shows on now. It's like over kill. And my wife and I don't even watch/like some of the same shows, so we have to tape one channel while watching another: "Ugly Betty (Rachel)," "The Office (Mike)," "Grey's Anatomy (Rachel)," "CSI (both)," and "ER (Rachel)." Oh for the simpler times when on any given night there was only one or two shows that either of us liked.

Over on "The Office," probably my favourite show currently airing, I must say that Angela is my favourite character this year. She's so funny, like guarding her shoes for fear of someone stealing them in this week's episode. Oh, I laughed out loud at that. In fact, "The Office" is one of a very few shows that makes me actually LOL.

This week's "CSI" may have permanantly ruined "Firefly" for me, as Alan Tudyk (Wash) guest starred as a really creepy pedophile. I say that like there might be some non-creepy pedophiles, but what I mean is that he'd kind of embraced his pedophilia and tried to help the CSIs by laying out what he himself would do if he'd kidnapped some kids. Of course he was somehow involved in the actual kidnapping (though whether he was acting to harm the kids or simply making some really bad choices remained somewhat ambiguious). Tudyk is a really good actor, but I fear that whenever go back and re-watch "Firefly" or Serenity, I'll only see the CSI pedophile. I have a similar block with James Mason, whom I only see as creepy Humbert Humbert. Trying to get past that has been a constant struggle during my PhD research, which has required me to watch several earlier Mason films.


Dave said...


I love how they have developed the charachters since season 1, just terrifc.

However, I will disagree with you on the best charachter this year. For me it is Kevin. By far Kevin. Kevin is the apartment favorite. Kevin's laughing and facial expressions not only make me "lol" they make me "rotfl"

saran said...

Nice use of the word wherein. I really like that word. But what in the world does "rotfl" mean? Do I really want to know?

I'm glad to see that Thursdays are so fulfilling for you. We got some new Office seasons for sale in at good ol' BB, but I've actually never seen an episode (don't shoot me).

Michael said...


amphimacer said...

My own unwilling focus as regards James Mason relates rather to his role as the self-destructive actor in "A Star is Born" -- that and his scene as Watson in "Murder by Decree" where he goes into a mini-fit: "You popped my pea!" For an actor whose career spans about fifty years and maybe eighty or so films, that's pretty sad, isn't it? But we all have those mental issues. Whenever I hear the word "boutique" it brings to mind the Monty Python dead parrot sketch (re "this parrot, what I bought not half an hour ago in this very boutique").