Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I was meant for the stage

There was a weird vibe all day, like something, somewhere, just wasn't right. A couple of people whom I see every week weren't around for some reason. Things like that throw me off. As much as I hate to admit it, I am a creature of habit. Still, despite the disruptions, I had a highly amusing conversation with a couple of colleagues about the student body's same-old issues and the frustrations of "essay time." Some of may colleagues believe that I'm a cynic, others see me as a realist. If students only knew...

I went to class armed with decidedly low expectations. The past two weeks I've felt like Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller's Day Off ("Bueller? Bueller?") and, because they were handing in a paper for me, I figured it would be another 3 hours of me talking to myself. Surprisingly, that was not the case. One or two students spoke for the first time. Maybe they finally clued into the 15% participation grade?

I'm reading Elizabeth Bowen's The Demon Lover and Other Stories as part of a dissertation chapter. Bowen's a fantastic writer and easily the most interesting English "Blitz" writer. I was supposed to read her Death of the Heart during a class during my undergrad degree, but I don't think I actually read it ("Students don't always read thing?" you ask). I didn't read it until a year and a half ago and it quickly became an all-time favourite. Bowen's short stories, while quite different from that novel, deal with the psychological angst of Londoners living during the German bombings of Wolrd War 2. Some stories appear to be supernatural (like the titular "The Demon Lover"), others are realistic but just plain creepy. In short, I like Elizabeth Bowen.


Anonymous said...

ever read 'briar rose'? it's a haulocaust story/fairytale. quick read, but it's pretty interesting.

Michael said...

Nope, who wrote it?

I have Margaret Atwood's "My Last Duuchess" in my bag right now to read when I get to school. Terry Kennedy from Prov photocopied it for me. It's about a female highschool student studying the Browning poem, and has a jerky boyfriend.

Rebs said...

3 things:
you WERE meant for the stage, Mike.

is your class first year? cuz first years' are annoying - they either talk about stupid stuff or don't talk at all. don't get me started on second and third years'...

aaand - guess who's sharing a room with your wifey this weekend.
oh yah, it's me.