Thursday, February 01, 2007

I don't typically comment on things I see in the newspaper or hear on the news. I guess I'm reasonably content in my little bubble-world and see no point in letting the "real world" infiltrate my acre of cyber-space. But this NEWS STORY is worth commenting on.

Okay, so some mom has gone to the Ontario Human Rights Commission over the University of Ottawa expelling her twin 10-year old sons from a university class. She claims its a Human Rights violation and age discrimination. Seriously. The kids were signed up a U of O class, called the "activism course" and the University withdrew them without explanation. This boggles my post-secondary-educating mind.

Now, I realize that there are always special circumstances, and that exceptionally brilliant children have succeeded in University (Doogie Howser for one). But some how I don't think these two kids are exceptions.
Two crusading 10-year-olds can't say if they learned to be activists before they were expelled from a University of Ottawa class dubbed the activism course. "I can't answer that," said Sebastien Foster ... "I don't know what activism means."


Anonymous said...

bad link

Michael said...


Rebs said...

nope, not fixed as far as I can tell.

I think this is the main reason that I don't pay any attention to the news (except when my roommate clips an article that she knows I'd be interested in) - people are just so...weird

Keira said...

I don't know, I sure wish I could have gone straight to college instead of uselessly sitting through high school. (grades 11 & 12 weren't bad, but they could cut grades 9 & 10 and no one would miss them - ooh, and 5 & 7 for that matter)
Of course then the coolness of university would be besmirched by all the self-conscious teen and pre-teen weenies.