Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's tearing apart my blue, blue heart

Right. So I didn't have to wear a name tag today. I did sort of dress up, though - no tie, but fancy pants and black button down shirt. Not that anyone noticed. I suppose if I want people to comment on my clothes, I'll have to wear ties. And, since I don't want to wear ties, I'll have to be content to slip under the sartorial radar.

Today was a good day. Wednesdays typically are - good compay and really long coffee breaks. This might sound odd, but I really look forward to Wednesdays, despite the long, boring drive. Even class was pretty good today. I still think there are too many people (and far too many giggling girls), but a good number seemed to have read the material and a few new people even spoke up.


Tom said...

People notice if other people notice their clothes! Why is this, I ask you? Isn't hiding yourself the whole point of clothes? If you want to get noticed just walk around naked.

Rebs said...

thomas, you should just accept the fact that you are an anomaly in this regard.
most other people in the world care about clothes. and also notice other people's clothes. and notice other people noticing their own attire/appearance.

Mike, please ignore all advice from Thomas about clothing - no nudity.

jpunk5 said...

i really couldn't take nudity in this weather.

Michael said...

Glad I read that before I left for work, Rebs. Better throw on some clothes.

Rebs said...

you're welcome, mike.
I'm lookin' out for ya.

Rebs said...

i don't quite understand why you want us to 'baby you''s a little strange, mike, a little strange.

Michael said...

Um, I don't want to be babied.

Rebs said...

your profile says otherwise...

Michael said...

Hmmm, that's not right. Thanks for pointing it out.

Cheryl said...

oooooooooooh 'Fancy Pants Mike' has fancy pants

uh, I've been working all day, please excuse me.

Michael said...

Um, I called myself Mr. Fun-pants once.

Tom said...

I'm just saying, don't hate the players, hate the game. I strongly encourage hating the game when it comes to clothes.