Sunday, February 25, 2007

The spirits we drank are now ghosts in the room

Yeah, it's Oscar Night. Now, personally I don't care one way or the other about a bunch of plastic, Hollywood phonies giving awards to other plastic, Hollywood phonies, but my wife loves it. She's commendered the television and is happily watching.

That means I have little to do but add another entry.

Actually, that's not true. I have marking. Lots of marking. I have that novel I mentioned I was going to start working on. Haven't really written a word of it yet, though I've panned quite a bit of it. Still, this seems somehow more pressing and attainable. Can't finish the marking this evening, can't write a novel in a night, but I can write an entry.

I cut my forehead this afternoon - just a stupid accident but it bleed for hours. I tried to stop the bleeding the way my father used to stop the bleeding from shaving nicks: toilet paper. Unfortunately when Rachel saw me with a little bit of toilet paper stuck to my forehead ("the blood holds it on" ) she burst out laughing. Hard to expect sympathy that is offered through poorly suppressed giggles.

Apparently some people are incapable of clicking the "My First Film" link on the sidebar (or perhaps are unable to read the sidebar - which is it, Roz?), so I have decided to post it here.

A little history on this piece of cinematic mediocrity: I shot this one afternoon a few years ago. I did everything expect the song. That was done by Jeremy Penner and his band... whose name I forget. As two of his sisters are regular contributors I'm sure they'll chime in with the name. After figuring out all the shots (about 20 minutes), it took 2 hours to film.

Oh, and my head is no longer shaved.


Michael said...

The band is called "Hidden in Motion." They may or may not be disbanded.

Cheryl said...

they have been disbanded, his band is called edmund now.

My favourite part is either you brushing your teeth or walking in and being surprised by a bunch of teddy bears.

I understand it's kinda sad, but I laughed a lot during this video

Michael said...

I was going for "sad funny," which is, of course, the best kind.

I'm glad me cleaning my teeth is so funny.

Unknown said...

It was awesome and I'm with Cheryl I did a lot of laughing
The saddest part for me was that my friend the creepy sock cat/monster stuffed animal didn't make it to the party.

Michael said...

Yeah, it's a PCST (pre-creepy-sock-thing) piece

Roz said...

Oh yeah it would have been creepier with the sock.
It was on odd mix of funniness (I laughed at the suprised by bears thing) and sad at the same time. Very interesting.