Not so grumpy today. Well, maybe a little bit. There's some big accreditation thing going on at one of the places I teach and, as a result, I had to "dress up" today. And wear a name tag. Frankly, if I stayed in school this long so I wouldn't have to wear a name tag to work. So here I sit with a tie and name tag on.
you should change your name tag to "em to the ichael" or alternatively, michaelclaus...or mcmichael. but I think that might ruin the desired effect of the tie.
is that booth or prov?
Booth. There's also the possibility of someone coming in and "observing" my classes. I'm not a fan of this idea.
I can't believe Booth is getting accredited before CMU
*scoffs and sneers in Booth's general direction*
I'm sure you'd do fine - hope the observing doesn't happen in that overheated room...that'd be a sweaty time...
Actually, it's not getting accredited, it's maintaining its accreditation with this particular body of Christian colleges. It's an "every ten year" spot check.
Booth > CMU
I'm pretty sure everyone here knows that's just not the case - yourself included. but I understand the need to delude yourself into thinking you've made good life choices.
I think I shall throw Prov into your little mathematical equation (and Millar just for fun)
I actually don't know if Booth or CMU is better, but b/c Rebekah is almost as good as Rozdower at over reactions....
Prov < 0 < CMU < Booth < Millar
Actually, I don't know that. How would we go about making an official judgement?
Mike: when Rebs said "shut it you" how quickly did you think of Dwight's "quiet YOU!"
cbc is the best!!
only if you're talking about radio 2.
in that case, yes, yes it is.
um, no, columbia bible college...and yes, i know you knew that.
don't worry jpunk....i would've known that you knew that i knew that...
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