Monday, January 30, 2006

God help the boxer with no hands

Man, today's just been dragging by.

One of my co-worker's computer crashed or exploded or something, so she's using the fancy one I usually use in our "shared" office. That means I've been stuck in my little hovel (someone recently described it as a dump) office. I almost never work in here anymore. It's freakin' lonely.

It's also made me realize how much I hate cellphones. My office door is apparently made out of a type of wood that amplifies sound. And as people can't use cellphones in the library (located just down the hall), they invitably come out into the hallway to answer their phones and share their conversations with me. Pimply faces boys stand just outside my door and talk their girlfriends or girlfriend-hopefuls just to "chat"; highly accessorized girls call their friends, who are likely high acessorized as well, and loudly plan to go out and drink later that week; jocks phone their jock-y friends and loudly relate their drunken escapades and conquests from the night before. It's SO MUCH FUN to overhear.


Tom said...

you have rights, man, put up a sign or put up a stink 'coz that is inhumane

Anonymous said...

oo oo! start yelling things from inside your office. and throw things. for example, a chair against the door. and makes idle threats to no one in particular.

...or not.

but, admittedly, it would be pretty sweet to go all crazy just to scare cell-phone talkers.

Michael said...

I was thinking about the yelling stuff. Maybe I should should things in another language. Latin might sound like I was trying to cast spells and that's not the type of creepy/scary I'm shooting for. German maybe? German always frightens me.

Anonymous said...

for sure. i double-dog-triple-monkey-banana-cherry-on-top dare you.