Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm striking matches with explosives so near

You'll have to excuse the blog-silence (blo-ilence?); it's completely unintentional. I'm housesitting this week and can't, for the life of me, figure out how to connect to the internet. The last time I housesat I had no trouble connecting and stayed on-line a huge portion of my time there. Now I'm filling my time with reading, writing (with pen and paper, like a sucker) and a little Smallville. Season 3? Good, good, good (though the inherent flaw in having someone as beautiful as Lana "wait for Clark" is a black smudge on an otherwise intelligent show).

First new class of a brand new semester tomorrow (my other class is a full year carry over). 15 students in it. Good number. I hope they're talkers. I find myself telling the stupidest stories to illustrate points when no one talks. Today, for example, I talked about a theory of female insanity that Dave Foley once shared on the Bill Maher show about menstration and the frequency of periods. And it was to a ROOMFUL OF FEMALES, which is sort of like explaining French to people from France, don'tcha think?

And Resident Evil 4 gives me nightmares.


Tom said...

You're playing RE4?? *jealous*

I gave that to my uncle for Christmas... but I have to wait to play it with my friends... I promised them... those jerks

jpunk5 said...

the preview for hostel gave me nightmares