Friday, February 24, 2006

But it's my destiny to be the King of Pain

My now weekly walk to the library made for an entertaining 45 minutes. People certainly are strange. There was the June Cleaver-esque woman retriving her mail. Her hair looked perfect and she was dressed pearls and an apron. I imagined that inside the world had stayed 1957: that the whole family gathered around the television Sunday nights to watch Ed Sullivan, that pot-roast was served with shocking regularity, that she and her husband slept in seperate twin beds.

Then there was camoflage guy walking his dog. The man was dressed in a full suit of proper green camoflage. He must have been military, as he was also wearing combat boots and a beret (and, really, aren't the military the only people who can get away with wearing those hats?), but I don't know who he thought he was going to hide from in the snow. I had half a mind to bump into him and claim that I didn't see him... but he didn't look like the sort of person who enjoys a laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I would laugh SO hard if you rammed the army dude into a snow bank.