Monday, February 20, 2006

Confusion is nothing new

I had a dentist appointment this morning. Nothing like starting the day off with sharp metal instruments and agressive gum poking. Mmmm.

Now I recognize the necessity of going to the dentist and brushing and all that, but I detest the falseness of the visit. The hygenist asking how you're doing - like she really cares, in few minutes you're going to be bleeding all over her. And she stops every few minutes to see if youre "doing all right." Like the whincing and white knuckled grip on the arm rests is confusing body language. I think the whole thing would be a lot easier if the hygenist just abandoned all sense of civlity or humanity when you walk in to the room: "So you're finally here, are you? You know, nobody likes, you're fat, and you're mother's right about you wasting your life." I think this would make the 20 minutes of oral torture a bit more bearable.

I had to walk a quarter of a kilometre from the dentist to the bustop, but that wasn't too bad. It's only minus 9 out there; almost spring (grrrrr, somebody please kill me). When i finally got to the University, I was met with a wonderful surprise: a beautiful photo/name plate for the door of my dumpy UM office. It's very cool and I spent a great deal of time showing my co-workers. Yes, it was a good way to avoid work, but I am proud of it too.


Anonymous said...

do you really actually want your dental hygenist to say all those nasty things?

and WHOO! to the photo-tag thing

Michael said...

Absolutely, because then I could hate her. If she was mean, it would make the whole experience better.

Anonymous said...

you WANT to hate her? whatever for? i think if she was mean that she would be merciless with the sharp tools and gouge your face unnecessarily. but if you want her to mean so you can hate her, then you take a picture of your face so i can see what all she did to you.

Michael said...

It's easier to hate people who ARE mean and DO mean things, then it is to carefully balance the mean things they do with their honest niceness.

Anonymous said...
