Friday, February 24, 2006

I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign

1. What time did you get up this morning? um, 9:30.
2. Diamonds or pearls? For what?
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Walk the Line.
4. What is your favourite TV show? Of all time: probably Night Court. I also love Buffy, Veronica Mars, Smallville, Firefly and Angel.
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Coffee. And more coffee.
6. Favourite cuisine? Indian.
7. Middle name? Got one, thanks.
8. Food you dislike? Brussell sprouts. The devil made them.
9. Favourite CD at the moment? Tie between the Buffy musical and Wolf Parade's "With Apologies to the Queen Mary"
10. What kind of car do you drive? Mazda Protege. Zoom, zoom.
11. Favorite sandwich? The kind someone else made.
12. Characteristic you despise? Extreme moodiness/mood swings.
13. Favorite item(s) of clothing? Jeans.
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be? Back to London.
15. What colour is your bathroom? White. Very White.
16. Favorite brand of clothing? Oh, I dunno stuff liek that.
17. Where would you retire to? London.
18. What was your most memorable birthday? Turning 23, a party at this dive-ish bar in Waterloo. I don't think I've ever had as much fun.
19. Favorite sport to watch? Basketball, I guess.I'm not really a sports guy.20. Furthest place you are sending this? No place.
21. Coolest place you’ve ever been? Portage and Main. No, wait, that's the COLDEST place; the coolest? Key West or Miami.
23. Favorite saying: Don't think I have one.
24. Birthday? No, thank you.
25. Are you a morning or night person? Definately not a morning person. I am a night person but as responsibilities and adulthood force me to rise before noon, I'm less a night person and more an afternoon person.
26. Shoe size? 10.
27. Pets? Nope.
29. What did you want to be when you were little? Big. My friend Doug wanted to be a purple crayon. I think Doug ate too much paste.
30. How are you today? Same as yesterday.
31. Favourite candy? Chocolate
32. Favourite flower? Huh? You're joking, right?
33. A day on the calendar you are looking forward to: December 25... I hear there's going to be something big up that day.


Anonymous said...

Your friend wanted to be a CRAYON?!?

Michael said...

He did indeed want to be a crayon. Lord only knows what that boy's up to now.