Thursday, February 23, 2006

Where I have to go begging in Beauty's disguise

Post number 200, folks. I'd like to thank the little people, because I couldn't be where I am today without the Munchkins.

So, the Winter Olympics are in full swing. Half my class skipped out of the second period to watch the hockey game (and to see Canada lose... that's God getting them back for skipping my class).

I just can't get into the Winter Olympics. I've tried, but I don't get the point. Too many of the events seem so freakin' silly. Like, how many toboggan-based events do we need? We've got the luge, the two and four person bobsled... I don't know, maybe tobogganing's now an official event. Isn't it all the same premise: slide down hill on something. They should have crazy carpet event. Now those things are hard to steer.

And then there's skating and curling and skiing, and I just can't accept those things as sports. Curling? Shuffle board on ice. Skiing? My dad skis. That disqualifies as a "sport" right there. Those are activities. Sure, they're fun, people enjoy doing them, but they're not sports. Hockey? Okay, now that's a sport, not one I particularly like, but I can accept that one. Now I realize that being Canadian and admitting that I don't like hockey is akin to high treason, but I don't care: I hate the cold. Sue me.


Anonymous said...

I was similarly disenchanted with the winter Olympics until Andrew made me watch them this year. I have a whole new respect for them. The skeleton is amazing (those people are crazy mofos for doing that), the ski jumping is awesome, and I'm a huge fan of the snowboarding cross competitions. That shit looks *hard*!

I think I like best the sports that I could never do.

Michael said...

I agree and I guess there are just more things I can't do in the Summer Olympics... like gynmastics. To paraphrase Jon Stewart, running, jumping, throwing: I can do that. I can't stick my head in my ass and flip around.

Anonymous said...

my sources tell me that your students don't really participate in class discussions. my sources seem to be bothered by this fact. don't take this the wrong way, but i have a suggestion. you could tell your students that every class they will get a mark for participation - only to be given if/when they speak up in class with a worthwhile comment/question. if they don't talk, they get no mark that day - same would work if they skipped.

one of my professors did that at prov and i hated him for it - absolutely hated it. BUT i talked in class, i came prepared, i learned more, and i got my participation marks. it forced me to think about the material and to come up with something intelligent to add to the discussion. if you're willing to alienate students, i fully recommend this method.

the hatred for that method and that professor soon turned into respect, by the way.

Michael said...

Well, Abby, something will be done, that's true. This, or a slightly modified version, is certainly an option that I'll be looking at for after the Reading Break.
I HATE, HATE, HATE asking question after question to be met with either silence or the contributions of the same three, dear, students who actually have prepared for class.