Tuesday, October 24, 2006

If there's something inside that you wanna say, Say it out loud it'll be okay

The Random and Unconnected thoughts from my Tuesday:

1) Is there a better song than The Beta Band's "Dry the Rain"? If there is, I don't wanna hear it. That song rocks!

2) Pay "mistakes" make Mike mad. Two pay mistakes in the same week?!??!! Grrrrrr, Mike smash!!!!

3) Sandwiches for lunch make me smile.

4) Take me in and dry the rain.

5) Can't concentrate for more than a few minutes. A.D.D.? Don't mind if I do!

6) Am I really as creepy as Roz seems to think I am?

7) Tai chi tonight. I really hope I'm better than Guy-Who-Just Waves-His-Arms and Girl-Who-Can't-Tell-Her-Right-From-Her-Left.


Rebs said...

y'know, I actually do see a connection between these...call me crazy...but..

Michael said...

Okay... umm, "You're crazy."

saran said...

I really can't picture you doing tai-chi. Not that that's something I have ever tried to picture or will be trying to picture in the near future. Good for you! (Even though you can admit that the Guy-Who-Just Waves-His-Arms is really you... you're among friends here.)

Michael said...

Um, no. Am not Guy-Who-Just Waves-His-Arms.... Not even sure about the among friends thing, SNM. But feel free to picture away - it's an awesome sight to behold, me doing martial arts VERY slowly