Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Let this be the epitaph for my heart

Taught some love poetry - Sidney, Spenser - apparently I'm the most heartless of cads. *shrugs*


Rebs said...

the only spenser I've read is the faerie if you've assigned that, you are a heartless, cruel man..
but probably for other reasons.
I mean, it's not bad, but it is freaking long!
as far as love poetry, it's hilarious to be as cynical and prosaic(al?) as possible. your class is crazy if they can't appreciate that.

jpunk5 said...

i took the faerie queene at cmu. (i just want to seem as smart as you guys...sniff...)

Michael said...

I can't imagine ever teaching the whole Faerie Queen. I do like Book 1, but this was just a sonnet from his sonnet sequence, Amoretti. It;s sappy, you're so beautiful I'll write a poem about you and then your beauty will last forever stuff. Some chicks, apparently, still dig the mushy stuff.

Tom said...

I also still dig the mushy stuff

unless it sucks

Cheryl said...

do you guys mean Dairy Queen? cuz I'm in... I could go for some blizzard right now

Michael said...

Mmmmmm, Blizzard.